Community Activities

A. Women and Men Clubs

C.R.O runs four women clubs for the guardians and mothers of street children living in the slum areas of Namatala, Masese ,Barogole and Nyendo.  About 45 women attend each club meeting which runs twice in a week. In the clubs the women do the following activities:-Primary health care education,Adult Literacy,Skills training,Discipleship,Income Generation Activities and Sharing best practices.


B. Community Sensitization and Training

C.R.O organizes   Training Workshops for the Community in Mbale, Jinja,Lira and Masaka on a quarterly basis. The trainings focus mainly on; Child Rights and Responsibilities, Women Rights,Good Parenting habits and Responsibilities, Sensitization and Prevention of HIV/AIDS/STI and care for people affected and infected with HIV/AIDS, Community role in prevention and care for street children.


C. Parents/ caregivers’ meetings

CRO holds three meetings in a year for the parents/guardians of the street children.
In the meetings they are encouraged to provide a supportive environment in which children can learn and socialize. Other issues discussed in the meetings include: children’s academic performance, good parenting habits, and safe health behaviours.

family resettlement incommunity

D. Family Resettlements

After counseling and empowerment with knowledge and skills the families of street children living in the slum areas are encouraged to resettle within their original homes where they have access to land for farming. CRO resettles the whole family with a resettlement package comprising of transport, farming implements, seeds, money to construct a hut and a jerrican of paraffin. Over the years CRO has resettled over 400 families from Namatala slum in Mbale.


D.  Self Help Groups (SHGs) &Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs)

CRO has mobilized Caregivers of children to form VSLAs and SHGs among themselves through which they can save and borrow funds.The funds can be accessed by the members at an affordable interest rate. Each group comprises of 15 to 20 members. CRO trains the groups in group dynamics, team work, business skills, record keeping, leadership skills, savings and credit. During the meetings, other issues like child rights, child protection, and girl child education,participation in community projects, positive parenting, community development and politics re also discussed.

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