Supporting children to achieve their DREAMS

As a result of such a hard life involving lack of food and basic necessities at home to the extent of going without meals several days, 11yr old Awali withdrew from school and took to the streets of Mbale and got involved in all sorts work ranging from picking scrap, to selling of tomatoes for people to ensure that he gets what to eat. “Life on the streets was really harsh”, he says.
His life was saved by the C.R.O. social workers during routine street visits as they talked to him and was invited to the C.R.O center to which he responded.
At the center, he joined rehabilitation program, went through catch up lessons, psychosocial support and recreational activities to build his self-esteem. Awali became very active in the rehabilitation class and was able to join formal school to resume his studies.
In secondary school, Awali received certificates as the Assistant Head boy and was also recognized for being an outstanding speaker during school debating competitions.
Having excelled at high school, Awali obtained a scholarship with CROSO, a CRO partner organization, to support his university education for a Bachelors of Laws which he completed successfully and is now studying for the bar course at Law Development Center, Kampala which will see him as CRO’s first fruit in the legal fraternity.
Alwal smiling at successHaving performed well, Awali obtained a scholarship with CROSO to support his university education at IUIU Mbale for a Bachelors degree of Laws which he completed successfully and is now studying for the bar course at LDC Kampala which will see him as CRO’s first fruit in the legal fratenity.
Above all, Awali is thankful to CRO for giving him an opportunity to be re-parented, educated, and live to his dream [becoming lawyer] and look to a responsible and better livelihood.
Currently, Awali hopes to finish his course and join the working environment as an advocate who will fight for the rights of the marginalized, and purpose to support his siblings by sending the young ones back to school and others to do informal vocational training so that they are able to sustain themselves in a more dignified way. He has hopes of becoming an Area member of Parliament someday; and addresses the needs of his community through parliament.

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