Frequently Asked Questions

Why are children on the streets?

Children are on the streets due to a variety of factors such as civil wars, cattle raids, poverty, domestic violence, famine and death of parents due to the AIDS Pandemic.

Who is CRO?

Child Restoration Outreach (CRO) is a Christian NGO that is assisting street children and their families in Uganda, East Africa in the towns of Mbale, Jinja, Masaka and Lira
In line with government policies, CRO does not institutionalize children, but assists them to get rehabilitated, resettled and educated within their extended families, as a long-term process. Therefore CRO also works with the community and networks with other Organizations and the Government. The heart of CRO is the drop-in center where the children come in daily on a voluntary basis and participate in various activities.

What is CRO offering for the Children?

Psychosocial care and support , Formal and informal Education, Medical care, skills training, Sports and games, music and drama, Agriculture, Feeding, Resettlement Follow up visits, Saturday club, and Youth Exchange Program.

What is CRO offering for the community?

In order to reach the parents and guardians of the street children and to empower them, CRO is involved in different community based activities like, Home visits, Family Resettlement, Literacy lessons, Health Care, Income Generating Activities(IGAs), Family planning, Immunization, women and men clubs.

Where is CRO based?

CRO has offices in Mbale, Jinja, and Masaka. CRO Mbale is situated 230 km East of Kampala in Mbale District. The project office and drop in center is found on Bishop Wasikye Road, plot 15-17 in Mbale town. CRO Jinja is found 80km East of Kampala in Jinja district. The project office and drop in center is situated on Oboja Road, plot 5 in Jinja town. CRO Masaka is located 120 km South of Kampala city in Masaka district. The Lira center is 420 kms North of Kampala city. It’s situated at plot 18 Otim Lakana close in Lira town. The project offices and drop in center is located on Kampala Road in Masaka town.

What is CRO Mission?

Our Mission is “To rebuild the lives of street children, restore and reconcile them with God and with their families empowering them to become productive members of the society”.

What are your future plans?

The future plan for CRO is to, complete the library of the youth in CRO Mbale, construct library centers for the four projects and acquire farming land for CRO Jinja and CRO Masaka and lira, to construct a drop in center for CRO Masaka.

Does CRO only meet Children`s physical needs?

CRO goes beyond simply meeting the children`s physical needs. Great emphasis is laid upon meeting the children`s psychological needs, emotional needs and their need for social interaction.

Does CRO reconcile the children with their families?

One of the most important principles of CRO, Is that children are cared for in their own family systems and communities, as a sustainable solution. Residential homes are only used as a last resort.

How many children does CRO assist in a year?

During year, a total of 1,253 children are assisted at the three centers of CRO.

Does CRO offer rehabilitation program to the children?

Children from the street attend six month rehabilitation program at the CRO centers. The children spend time learning relevant information and life skills which will help them reduce their risks and vulnerabilities

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