Celebrating IDSC 2022

This year’s(2022) theme was : Recognizing the Efforts of Frontline workers  in  Supporting Street connected children”.  We are recognising the work and dedication shown by those working on the streets with children, and call for proper recognition and support to be given to these frontline workers.

Life on the street creates unique issues for children. Their experiences may mean it is difficult to trust adults. Frontline workers meet street children where they are, taking the time to get to know children’s lives and the spaces they live in.

CRO Jinnja Branch Manager at IDSC 2022 celebrations

They build relationships with street-connected children, and help them to explore solutions that are tailored to their needs. We consider street social workers as frontline workers, but also other trusted adults, such as bus drivers, hawkers, and aunties/uncles. They help street-connected children to enjoy their rights by ensuring they can stay with family (if the child wants), or providing alternative care, and providing street outreach work.

The work these individuals do is vital – they bring stability, trust and support when children have nowhere else to turn – which is why this year’s IDSC theme calls for them to enjoy proper recognition and support.

iDSC children playing

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