Recreation(Sports, Music, Dance & Drama)

CRO provides recreational facilities to the children in form of games and sports, music, dance and drama.

Children also have access to watching educational films or relax watching television. There are strong football, Volleyball, Netball and acrobatic teams, as well as CRO choirs where both boys and girls participate.

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Paul Nabitiri,CRO Uganda Country Director playing a board game with the children

The different CRO teams have participated in a number of competitions at district, national and regional levels where they have won trophies. Recreation activities make the centers interesting to the children as they have an opportunity to play and express themselves. The children are also able to identify and develop their talents and build self esteem.

Children have used sports, games and MDD to advocate for their rights. CRO choirs also perform at different functions during National and District celebrations and also in churches for fundraising purposes.

The choirs of each project have been successfully  presenting at governmental and private functions. Even the President of Uganda has witnessed their performance. The choirs use presentations to inform people about issues in the lives of CRO-children. Many of the lyrics evolve around issues such as  HIV/AIDS, children’s rights and life on the streets.

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