“No Money to waste on Girls” – Sandra beats Odds.

“Throughout 2018 and 2019 I didn’t go back to school and my father said to me that he do not have money to waste on girls. I was so disappointed and unhappy with my father’s words and this situation forced me to look for new life on the street where I was very busy selling bread and bananas”,she narrates.

While on the street in May 2019, Sandra came into contact with the team of social workers from CRO who talked to her and later invited her to the CRO drop-in center in Lira. 

Sandra started attending rehabilitation class and in July 2019 was resettled back home holding talks with her family members. “Our CRO teachers kept checking  on me at home and later invited me to the center for vocational skill training in 2020 of which I never imagined it would come to pass”, she explains.

However,Sandra says that the training did not go well due to the outbreak of  COVID-19 pandemic but was able to resume in 2021 and she has gained a lot of skills in making fashions and different types of clothes.

sandra-dresses.jpg After completing the training in March 2022, because of her excpetional performance,Sandra was chosen to help the trainer to guide other new enrolled children for vocational skill training in tailoring and gamete cutting during training sessions.

“I am very happy that am able to get money through my hard work and skill that I have acquired, my life has totally changed and I am no longer going to remain poor in life. I am looking forward to help my family members and other children on the street through training them and protect their rights”, says excited Sandra.

She adds, “My advice to the children on the street is that they should accept to change and listen to parents, and the elders in the community and accept to go back home. And to children at home, I advise you to please remain at home as I have realized that home is the best place for a child to live in as compared to the vicious street life.

Grateful Sandra says, “Thanks to CRO at large for the chance given to me to achieve my training and opportunity to come back to trained other children. Thank you CRO for the support and the great work of rescuing children living and working on the street.”

In line with CRO’s mission of restoring indentityand transforming street-connected children into responsible and fruitful citizens, many children with lost hope both uneducated and partially educated, have ben able to regain hope to life through gaining skills form  their own suatainability and also support their families.

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