Celebrating 30 years of service, Ebenezer!

Our thanks to the Almighty God for blessing and faithfully sustaining CRO by supplying the physical, spiritual, material and financial needs according to his riches in glory through Jesus Christ over a 30-year period and  we request Him for extra grace to go forward.

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Since 1992, CRO has impacted over 14,200 Children  & Youths plus a large number of care takers in beneficiary communities.


Over the years we have worked with different partners who include Kindernothilfe (KNH), Stromme Foundation, Hope for Justice, Eriks Development Partners, Elma Philanthropies, Suubi ly’abana Germany, CROSO and CRO Foundation Netherlands among others.

Additionally, we thank all individual donor and fundraisers like Uta (Berlin, Germany), Miriam, Wout Decknonic among others plus the many volunteers for your generous support.

30 years of cro uganda

Our national & local partners, Board members & Staff in Mbale, Lira, Jinja & Masaka, we are proud of you and we appreciate your self-sacrificing support towards Child Restoration Outreach –Uganda.

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