Thank you – All our Esteemed Sponsors

The year 2014 was full of challenges, but the Lord has been with us as a “present help in times of trouble”. He has stood strong on the side of CRO and proved that He is a God who provides for us even when we have lost all hope!

As we begin 2015, we want to say thank you to each one of you who has donated funds to ensure that the children attend school, which is their fundamental right. Your donation has made a lasting impact on the lives of children. It has uplifted the lives of the children from hopelessness to having hope for a bright future. Children who were once living on the streets have now been reintegrated in families and are attending school. It is through education that they will be able to liberate themselves out of poverty, ignorance and disease.

Thank you for allowing God to work through you to bring help to the poor and needy children. God has promised us in His word, Proverbs 19:17 “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord. And He will reward him for what he has done.” This includes all ladies who have donated funds to support the children.

For many of the children, there were no gifts under a tree because there was no tree. But what is encouraging for them is to know that somebody somewhere cares and loves them.

Your donation to CRO has been a gift of hope of love and a blessing from God to you and to the children you have helped by your giving. Never, Never, Never give up!

We pray that 2015 can be another year when we can work together to improve the welfare of the children on the streets.

Well done! We wish you a HAPPY 2015

Peace & Blessings,

Christine Kamiti
National Coordinator
Child Restoration Outreach-Uganda

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