
Ebenezer, “Thus far the Lord has helped us” 1Samuel 7:12

Allow me to thank you for being part of the vision, mission and goal of Child Restoration Outreach to reach out, rescue, rehabilitate, reintegrate and empower former street children to become responsible and fruitful citizens in our nation.

Paul Nabitiri,CRO Uganda Country Director playing a board game with the children

The year 2022 was unique in that it marked 30 years since the founding of Child Restoration Outreach in 1992 in Mbale by Madam Ingrid Wilts, Bishop Simon Peter Emiau and Pastor Benjamin Otim (RIP). We actually celebrated God’s faithfulness in providing for, blessing and sustaining the interventions of CRO under the theme in 1Samuel 7:2 “Ebenezer” meaning “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us”.  Our heavenly father has faithfully sustained this institution by supplying the physical, spiritual, material and financial needs according to his riches in glory through Jesus Christ.

The year 2022 saw CRO recovering from the adverse effects of the Covid 19 pandemic and the suspension of child related activities of Mbale branch in 2021. We were able to staff that had been serving as volunteers into full time employment, raising the number of fulltime staff from 14 in 2021 to 30 in 2022. It is this team that has been behind the achievements made in 2022. Thank you so much for the job well done.

I take this opportunity to thank the Board of Directors of CRO chaired by Bishop Simon Peter Emiau, that has steered this precious institution through the storms and kept it afloat. Thank you all for the exemplary leadership and sacrifices you have made in the best interest of children living in streets situation in our country.

I cannot forget our funding partners who have sacrificed leisure and pleasure to support the rescue, rehabilitation, reintegration and empowerment of children living in streets situations. During 2022, we partnered with Eriks Development Partners, Elma Philanthropies, Suubi ly’abana Germany, CROSO, CRO Foundation Netherlands and individual fundraisers like Uta (Berlin, Germany), Miriam, Wout & Decknonic, Miriam among others for financial support.

Our national and local partners in Mbale, Lira, Jinja and Masaka, we are proud of you and we appreciate your support. I cannot forget our local and national government and non-governmental partners who through their community development departments as well as child welfare programmes have provided technical guidance and supervision to CRO branches to ensure safe service delivery.

During the financial year 2022, we were able to serve a total of 947 children (525 boys and 422 girls) in addition to several caregivers.

Our children, some of whom are now CRO alumni need an applause for taking advantage of available opportunities to come out of oppressive street conditions and climb the ladders of development.  Thank you all for not wasting the resources invested in you.

Dear partners, CRO as a learning organization has grown through various experiences and challenges which have enabled it to refine her vision, mission, goals and objectives as well as strategies to be able to continue addressing evolving issues propelling children to the streets. Issues pushing children to the streets are multifaceted and need a multi-disciplinary approach to be effectively addressed. They are socio-cultural, political, economic and individual. Increasing urbanization, growing poverty levels, dysfunctional families and high costs of education are among the key drivers of children to the streets.

Despite all the developments and achievements, CRO is still experiencing several challenges which include: reduced external funding, understaffing due to limited funds; increasing number of children on the streets; increasing child labor, exploitation and abuse; high use of drugs among children as well as low local stakeholder involvement in addressing the plight of children living in streets situations.

Some of the strategies we are putting in place to address these challenges include increasing local resources mobilization, increased stakeholder involvement in the protection and promotion of children rights, strengthening parenting and caregiver programming as well as holding key duty bearers accountable using the Rights Based Approach to development.

We therefore appeal to everyone to join us in this noble cause to save the future generation. We appeal to faith-based institutions, school, business community and government departments to partner with us in this noble cause. Let us work together to get children off the streets into safe nurturing environments. We welcome every technical, financial, moral and material support towards this noble cause. Together we can manage this social challenge.

For God and my Country

Nabitiri Paul

Country Director, CRO,Uganda

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