The BIS community with its generous contribution has supported education of children in primary schools and some in secondary school – providing their tuition, uniforms, books and other scholastic materials. What a blessing to see children at CRO able to attend school!

Children at CRO have also benefited from the recreation tools/equipment in form of indoor games and artistic impressions/drawings that help enhance the relationship between BIS students and CRO children as well as among CRO children through interaction and tolerance as well as building up self-esteem and expression of love.

Apart from education, families of children affected by HIV/AIDS in Namatala [a slum in Mbale Municipality] have also been assisted through provision of foodstuffs and some other basic home necessities especially during the Christmas season. These people are usually weak and unable to obtain some their basic needs.

Through such deeds BIS community extends love, peace and hope through such kindhearted care. It is a special feeling knowing that some people still think about them irrespective of how distant they’re!
Here at CRO, the children, management, staff and board members are so proud of and thankful to the students and staff of Berlin International School for widening out to reach the hearts of the needy.

Bravo and keep it up!