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Susan, aged 13 first came to CRO Lira drop centre in 2014 after engaging in child labour on the streets of Lira town, Northern Uganda as a result of the harsh living conditions at home where they could hardly find food, clothing and neither go to school.
Poverty is the prime cause of the street children crisis. Children from well-off families do not need to engage in
In its effort to boost sustainability, CRO Lira has taken further step through establishing a Bakery – a campaign named Buy One,Send a child to school.
Amidst living an over-burdned life with almost no hope at all,Paul finally joins CRO where he regains a hopeful living through knowledge empowerment.
On behalf of all the children and management of Child Restoration Outreach, we would like to ask you to join us in saying, EBENEZAR!
Thus far has the Lord brought us in 2014!
Born in 2008, Mercy a 2nd born in a family of 3 children lost her father when she was only 2 years. Due to cultural beliefs, her mother was mistreated by her in-laws as they took all the property that was owned by their late father / husband respectively.
World Teachers from the Netherlands visited CRO Mbale Project on the 19th July 2014. They got involved in several activities with the children such as games, music and recreation exercises.
During my stay at CRO,I have realized the great service this organization has done in saving the lives of children