Testimonies after May Coach Training

 Testimony from the Trainer. It’s really amazing having this program manifest here in Mbale, indeed as a trainer of May coach, there is much evidence of change in my life, self-discovery has always evaded all over me, being strong over my feelings, and expressions of opinions is very ideal in my trainings. Have seen students approach me with testimonies of good change, progress, high self-esteem, and determination to fight for their rights in life. JOHN LONGORA-Trainer of May coach


TINO CHRISTINE, 16years old and studying at Nkoma Secondary school, has leaved with her drunkard family since her child hood, she was exposed to much drinking conditions in the local community, poverty and other uncertainties,  until she began to sell local bear to earn a living with her sibling……she knew that they will continue with the some condition for life, but when she was introduced to May coach trainings, she experienced a lot of change e.g.: forgetting the past about life and focus in life for the future, to dream big and not small any more, remove out of fear that had over whelmed her life, understood that she is important in life and above all leant to pay a deaf ear to negative thoughts.

faithw APIO CINDY FAITH has a story to tell, always in her life she thought everybody is like her mother who left her in the age of 6years, her mother’s death without seeing her or meeting her kept a big wound in her heart, always worrying why this situations happen to her even when her Aunty could not handle her like her own child, faith built  negativity in life, feared to approach elders to express her challenges and inner sorrows…….however, May coach training has helped her to realize how potential she is in her life, after the trainings, Faith is now able to express herself without fear, he has the determination to meet her dream in life. Her sorrows of life have turned to happiness deep in the heart, and her smile is now general. FAITH AND CHRISTOPHER, May Coach facilitator.

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