CRO – Country Director on COVID-19 Response-2021


As you are all aware, street children happen to be among the most marginalized groups in our country and no wonder there are no deliberate government laws and programmes to address their plight. They are victims of rejection who have been socially disarticulated from their families and all government support systems. Who cares whether they are sick, hungry, naked or dead? Society tends to blame them wholly for what they are going through before even giving them audience to understand their circumstances. They need to be listened to; you can be their voice!


The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected enrolled former street children’s nutrition, education, rehabilitation and advocacy interventions while at the same time undermining CRO’s efforts to reach out to more children languishing on the streets, whose numbers are on the increase due to lack of meaningful engagement of children at home following closure of educational institutions.

There is urgent need to remodel our programmes / interventions to ensure street children’s rights to a decent life, education, security and liberty are not violated. This requires a concerted and collaborative effort bringing on board parents/caretakers, likeminded organizations and government institutions as well as harnessing a multidisciplinary intervention approach to ensure holistic service delivery to these vulnerable citizens of Uganda.

Unless we rise up to challenge the status quo, these children will continue to be subjected to torture, Inhuman or degrading treatment / punishment, abuse, neglect and discrimination; yet they are entitled to equal protection as other humans.


As an organization, we are doing our best to remodel our interventions to ensure that the needs and rights of these vulnerable children are addressed. We plan to offer comprehensive rescue, rehabilitation and reintegration programmes which can then be followed with well structured empowerment strategy so that enrolled children can be holistically empowered to live as responsible and productive citizens.

 This however is not an easy venture in the face of resource constraints which in turn complicate our ability to maintain sufficient, well empowered and motivated human resource countrywide to support planned interventions.

As I conclude, allow me once again to convey my sincere appreciation to all CRO staff and governance bodies; present and past for all their contributions and commitment to the welfare of street children. God bless you so much.

I therefore call upon all of you to support us financially, technically and in any other way to enable us realize our vision. Together we can.


God bless you

Nabitiri Paul – Country Director

Child Restoration Outreach -Uganda

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