Children's Voices

Magret’s Testimony

My parents left their original home because of land problems in which they nearly lost their lives. They settled in Namatala slum in Mbale. After a short while, my father left us and we have never seen him again. We did not have anyone to buy food for us, so I escorted my mother to the town to beg.

Children's Voices

Dorothy’s Testimony

I was very traumatized, because being the first girl in the family, I nursed my parents and watched them die one by one, including my little brother. Left with only grandmother, life was also not easy because  she was aged and sickly. I once again took over responsibility to care for her.

Children's Voices


My mother left Gulu and came to settle in Namatala slum with my grandmother.  After some time, my mother abondoned us there. Upto now she has never returned to check on us. Everyday, our grandmother used to go to the industrial area to work in the rice mills. 

Children's Voices

Rose Kodet’s voice

My father died of AIDS. My mother was also weakened by the same disease and she could not maintain the family. I and my other siblings went to the streets and started to fend for ourselves through begging and picking leftover food stuffs from garbage heaps.

Children's Voices

Ronald Washi tells it

After my father was arrested,  the rest of the family got scattered. I was sent to live with  my maternal grandmother in Namatala slum.  My grandmother was not able to pay my school fees. She was suffering from breast cancer and sick most of the time. The money she could get from doing some odd jobs was spent on  treatment leaving her with little or no money to cater for our basic necessities.

sponsor child at cro street children uganda
How to Get Involved

Get Involved

Street children happen to be among the most marginalized groups. They are victims of rejection. Who cares whether they are sick,


About CRO Jinja

Child Restoration Outreach Jinja is one of four centres across Uganda working under the same umbrella vision to see… Children

project masaka

CRO Masaka

CRO Masaka project is the third project initiated in 2002 after the successful implementation of the CRO Jinja project. CRO


About CRO Lira

CRO Lira project opened its doors on 1st November 2007 to the children living and working on the streets of Lira town. The project office and drop in center is located on Plot 18, Otim Lakana Close, Central Division, Lira Municipality.


CRO Mbale

CRO Mbale is the first project founded in 1992. CRO Mbale is situated 230 km East of Kampala in Mbale

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